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Aminet 25 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1998].iso
000054_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Thu Mar 5 16:42:03 1998.msg
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>From amos-request@svcs1.digex.net Thu Mar 5 16:42:03 1998
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From: "Alastair Murray" <malcolm.murray@virgin.net>
Date: 5 Mar 98 16:48:21 +0000
Subject: Re: My Amos wish list.
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> >>> #1 bobs & sprites that can be rotated and scaled like Apple soft vector
> >>> graphics.
> This is all ready being worked on.
By who?
> >>> #3 to be able to load a IFF as a background, or FOREGROUND.
> Amos loads IFF's as backgrounds. Amos 3D treats them as foreground NOW!!!
No it doesn't. You have to load on to a seperate screen and THEN amos
copys one screen over the other (very roughly described I think).
You can do this with AMOS with the screen copy command but you'll
probably need 3 screens open to do it.... memory!
> >>> #4 collision detection between 2D, and 3D obj's.
> This should have been done when Amos 3D came out.
Yes but its not easy to do.
> >>> #7 translucent screens, so I can open 3 256 Hi Res screen, so I can draw
> >>> background on 1, midground on 2, and foreground on 3. (mem should be the
> >>> only limit)
> >>> #8 milti screen collision detection system for #7.
> I guess you never heard of DUAL PLAYFIELD this isn't hardware, but then again
> neither is 64 color bobs.
Well I guess you don't know what dual playfield actually does! (being
a designer and all)
As far as I know you can't dual playfield 3 256 colour screens on AGA.
On ECS you could do a couple of 8 colour screens but NOT 2 32 colour
ones never mind 3 screens!
On top of that... think of the memory usage!!! Find a sensible
solution to translucent screens. Use a coding trick! You can't just
expect hardware to do all these impossible things!
> > Light Sourcing command???? Come on.... realise something, to code on
> > an amiga you have to be tight and controlled with your code. If AMOS
> > provided all these commands (which is not going to happen) then
> > because they would be general rather than game specific (like coders
> > actually have to code to be as optimal as possible) they would be FAR
> > TOO SLOW and a complete nightmare for whichever fool tried to create
> > the commands.
> speed again see above, and this stuff isn't that far out, but I can live
> with out #13 & #14.
Well how about the 3D map maker as well. You obviously know nothing
about how 3D games work. You can only make a map maker to suit the
game not a general 3D map maker.
> Amos is a creators language if you want a coders language try Ace Basic.
> where do you get SEUCK from, and does it do 3D?
No I want AMOS which is why I use it. You don't seem to have grasped a
few simple differences between Designer and coder. YOU are the one
thats moaning about AMOS, YOU go use ACE basic.
The SEUCK was a joke. It the Shoot Em Up Construction Kit. Basically
it does what you want, it makes the game and you just design it....
and guess what... its crap!!!
Because YOU CANNOT create a general game maker like you want without
either severe constrictions or having to code it yourself!!!
-Exhasperhated[sp] Murray
Alastair \\|// malcolm.murray@virgin.net
Murray (o o) http://freespace.virgin.net/malcolm.murray
| ---===ON AMINET===--- |dev/misc/Backbone | --==IN PRODUCTION==-- |
| game/shoot/Hanger18 |game/shoot/Traitor| The Turtleminator |
|game/jump/BananaIslands| game/role/CHAOS | Hangar 18 II |
| game/shoot/Extinct | game/jump/Blobby | Backbone - Game Creator|
| dev/amos/KeyState | dev/amos/PicPack |Star Trek - BORG Assault|
| pix/nicon/TrekNIcons | | |